So...I saw something today that made me laugh. There was this 20-ish year old guy with a military hair cut, wearing an ARMY sweatshirt and work out shorts and shoes. He looked like he should have been on a run. Instead, he was walking, super winded and smoking a cigarette. Dummy. Not exactly the best way to get in shape. He is hosed next time he has to run against the other army guys. It just made me laugh.
I'm a dummy too though. I melted my counter top by putting a candle on the stove and it cost $107 to fix. But that is a long story that you are not likely to read here.
But yeah, seeing that guy out there, just made me appreciate how much I am glad I don't smoke. It is crazy expensive, it smells bad, it yellows your teeth, it's addictive, it makes it so you cant run even if you are military, it's stupid - it KILLS, oh yeah, and it gets you into some strangers blog so that 4 or 5 of his friends (and not likely any more
) can read about what a dummy you looked like today. yeah. I have plenty of OTHER was to be a dummy, no need for that one.